MDB Resoursces
MDB Application Fact Sheet
Any local government unit, as defined in Section 31-25, Mississippi Code of 1972, as amended, may request the Mississippi Development Bank to consider assisting such governmental unit through the issuance of Mississippi Development Bank Bonds as authorized by the Mississippi Development Bank Act. An Application Fact Sheet must be submitted for consideration of the request to MDB no later than 3:00 P.M. Central Time the Friday immediately before the Board Meeting. Such approval shall be deemed preliminary in nature and subject to all other approvals required by MDB Policies and Procedures.
MDB Bond Sale Fact Sheet
When the financing documents are in substantially final form they shall be submitted to the Board along with a Bond Sale Fact Sheet. A proposed form of resolution approving the form of the documents shall accompany the documents. Bond Counsel shall be responsible for submitting the proposed form of resolution and presenting such resolution to the Board. If the local government’s resolution or order confirming the absence of any protest to the local government’s borrowing funds from Mississippi Development Bank has not previously been submitted to Mississippi Development Bank, the resolution or order should accompany the package of documents submitted for approval by the Board. All documents shall be submitted to the Mississippi Development Bank no later than 3:00 p.m. central time the Friday immediately before the Board Meeting. One copy of each proposed financing document should be provided with this submission. Absent prior written approval by the Executive Director, document approval shall take place at a subsequent meeting to the initial approval.
MDB Modification Fact Sheet
A modification request must be completed and returned to the MDB along with any required documentation to staff no later than 3:00 P.M. Central Time the Friday immediately before the Board meeting.